Accueil 9 Our Solutions 9 Aligner treatment

Aligner treatment

Take control of your aligner treatments with Deltaface Aligners!

Carry out aligner treatments for your patients yourself in-office.

It works with standard STL files making it compatible with all intraoral scanners and 3D printers.

Several modules to choose from:

  • Align, to design alignment trays (invisible dental appliance).
  • Arch Base, to create virtual dental models from an intra-oral scan or a plaster scan.
  • Appliance, to design various aligners, orthoses and other orthodontic appliances.

Master the manufacture of your transparent aligners


The production process is faster, as there is no delay in shipping or third-party processing of aligners.


Producing aligners in-house is more economical and profitable than buying them from third parties.

Quality control

Directly supervise the production of aligners and control the quality of processing.

Patient satisfaction

Patients reassured by the direct involvement of their practitioner in the production of their treatment, able to quickly answer their questions.


Further personalize treatment based on each patient’s specific needs.

Growing your business

Increase the acceptance rate of your adult treatments thanks to more attractive prices.


Compatible with all dental scanners and 3D printers (STL files).

Growing your business

Hotline based in France. Distance learning

A simple and efficient design process


The essential software for designing your invisible aligners, directly in the office.


01. Taking an impression with your intraoral scanner

02. Modeling with DELTFACE software

03. 3D printing of gutters

04. Washing and drying, anti-UV treatment

05. Last step: thermoform

Find the perfect option for your practice

Orthopartner Digital offers you 3 options for your aligner treatment solution

1. The Premium in-office option

Print your trays in the office in complete autonomy

Equip your office with all the necessary equipment to design your own transparent aligners and control your aligner treatments from start to finish.

Scan and take patient impressions with an intraoral scanner.

Create your aligner treatment set up using DELTAFACE software

Print the models of your alignment gutters with your 3D printer.

Perform post-processing with the highest performance post-processing units on the market

Last step: thermoform your gutters

2. The Premium Lab option

Submit your case and order your gutters on your LAB space.

Scan and submit your cases on Delta Face software.


We print your gutters in 3D at the Lab. Receive them at the office within 48 hours.

Disponible 9h-18h en semaine